Music: an unsettling discovery

My wife, the sweet Miss ViVi, arrived home from a run shortly after I finished my post about Spirit and Jay Ferguson.  I mentioned the connection to her, and she recognized neither “I Got a Line On You” nor “Thunder Island.” Yes, she’s been my faithful companion for nearly a quarter century.  And sure, she’s given […]

Catching up

I was vacationing on the beach in Florida last week, with a quick side trip to Memphis last weekend before returning home. The beach at Destin was great — no oil except for a few stray streaks on skin and suits, thank goodness.  We did battle the elements a bit thanks to the distant hurricane […]

Our “camp” trip

We’re fresh back from my homeland, Upper Michigan.  My sister Lucy put on a whale of a shindig at the camp she works at for her son Jon, who graduated yesterday.  It was a fantastic time, and a great family get-together. Here’s Bug and me partying on Saturday night. So the thing was at a […]

Meet Bug

Here’s my other son, Bug.  He’s two. Bug is our daredevil.  He’s teaching me a few things about risk-taking.

Our graduate, part 2

Our baby boy’s no baby anymore.  In fact, he was upset because all the other kids had their “babies” — little brothers and sisters — at the graduation, and he didn’t.  Bug was at daycare. But overall it was a big day!  The Reverend Doctor Vinoski Sweetness appreciated the after-party at Perkins.

Our graduate

Okay, we’ll start a bit early.  This is The Reverend Doctor Vinoski Sweetness, a long time before preschool.