Misandrists and the inexplicable tolerance of them

Here’s what I don’t understand about garbage like this, which — as Glenn Reynolds points out — would never be tolerated if it were directed against women:  why do women with sons put up with it, knowing their silence supports hatred against their boys?  Why do they support anti-male “affirmative action” when they know someday […]

Pointing out the elephant in the room

Here’s another courageous column on one of our society’s biggest problems.

First ABBA, then royalty

Did y’all know that Anni-Frid Lyngstad of ABBA fame is a princess? Since 1992, when she married Prince Heinrich Ruzzo Reuss of Plauen, she has been known as Her Serene Highness Princess Anni-Frid Synni Reuss, Countess of Plauen. You’ve learned something here today. Okay, I know you’re dying for it. Here’s her hit single, which […]

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

I had the privilege of seeing The Honorable Mayor Corey Booker of Newark, New Jersey, speak at the Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast here a couple weeks back.  Booker is an outstanding orator (no, he really is — he’s funny and powerful and self-deprecating and seems to be speaking directly to you individually).  And his message of personal […]

Thoughts on leadership and ego: The Inner-Work of Leadership

Please allow me to heartily recommend a book by a buddy of a buddy of mine, The Inner-Work of Leadership by Barry Brownstein.  As I say in my Amazon.com review of it, this book has changed my life. When I sent my initial praise for his book to Barry, he offered me the honor and privilege […]

A nice northwoods hike

A few days ago I was visiting my parents on the edge of Canada and headed out for what was supposed to be a snowshoeing trip to some local falls — I anticipated breaking new trail out to the river like I’ve done in years past, enjoying the pristine wilderness alone.  Instead I discovered the […]

Another book to make you glad for what you have

Today I read straight through Left To Tell:  Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immaculee Ilibagiza.  Needless to say, the story is a searing one in many ways — but also amazingly uplifting thanks to the author’s unfathomable spirit, and spirituality. I’ve been thinking lately that one of our big problems in modern America is […]

Another great day snowshoeing

This time I broke a new trail on the same loop I’ve been going to.  It was hard work, and while I greatly enjoyed the bright sunshine we had today, that also meant just that little bit of added warmth I really didn’t need.  Halfway through I was down to my long-sleeve cotton t-shirt and […]

Another snowshoe excursion

Today was a very different scenario from yesterday’s.  The storm is gone and skies have cleared — but as usual, with the clear came the cold.  It was 6 degrees when I started and 4 when I finished. Still, though I got rather chilly hiking through the neighborhood to the trail, just a few minutes […]

Nothing like a savage blizzard for good snowshoeing

Up here in the Northern wilds where I live, we’re in the middle of a storm dumping around 16 inches of snow on us.  Here’s the view from my son’s window this morning: What better weather than this to head out snowshoeing in?  I just got back from a four mile trek, two trudging the […]