My travels allowed me to run once again in a nice little town in middle-of-nowhere Michigan (which is not a criticism, since I grew up in a whole other middle-of-nowhere place in Michigan and love it) that I’ve run in many times.

I always love running there, and today I ran a longer route than ever before, so I saw some new stuff.  And the fact that it was in the low 40s and windy wasn’t too big a deal.  Nor was the rain that started a couple miles from the end.

I’m just glad:  a) I got ‘er done before the heavy stuff came down and the temperature dipped into the thirties, and b) I was able to finish my run by dashing down to the local Walmart for a belt I was lacking, run back to the hotel, shower in about five minutes’ time and just make our group departure by the skin of my teeth.

Since then, we’ve had a quick stop in Tennessee and now we’re off to California.  God willing, tomorrow morning I run on the beach.