God bless Robert Cribb and the service he’s rendered society with his “Ogling Women a Natural Reflex.”

My favorite bit is this:

But if the socially repulsive act of staring at beautiful women is actually an artifact of ancient DNA, surely the trance-induced man should get a little latitude, no?

Even criminal law acknowledges temporary insanity as an extenuating circumstance in the commission of grievous crimes.

Frankly, I think some apologies are in order.

“I tell women, cut the guy some slack,” says Brizendine. “He may cut you some slack for being moody during your PMS.”

I’ll also share that a number of years ago, a then-new boss of mine and I were sitting together in the Pittsburgh airport in between flights, drinking a beer and chatting.  I had pointed out a few particularly interesting passers-by of the opposite sex when he asked if my wife would be upset by my looking.  I told him no, to which he replied that his would be furious.  They’re long since divorced now.

(Hat tip to Instapundit.)