Grunge.  Everyone wearing shorts and flannel shirts.  What was with that?

So I came to Alice in Chains late, years after Layne Staley was in his grave.  But they were the very embodiment of the music, I think — even if you can’t escape Nirvana and Pearl Jam embodying the personae.

Good stuff.

Say, to shift gears, I remember that in its heyday, the video for “Sour Girl” by Stone Temple Pilots got a lot of commentary because Sarah Michelle Gellar was mackin all over Scott Weiland.  But I never saw it at the time.  So I just checked it out on YouTube.  And that part was interesting (although, really, didn’t SMG really look like those girls in college who were just bizarre enough looking that you didn’t find them attractive until you’d had enough to drink?  There was one like that in my days we called “Amanda with the face that comes out of nowhere.”)  But what the hell was with the Teletubbies??

Anyway, God keep Layne.  What a shame — I’d gladly give up his music if his remaining poor and unknown would’ve saved him.