Professor Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit posted a link to this article this morning. Read it and weep.

As I see it, the author conducted an experiment that showed that doing the opposite of what she’d always done before by speaking directly, establishing firm expectations, being firm and concise, but collegial, she got much better results in every area of her life.

But she rejected those more effective actions, because she sees them as the behaviors of an “entitled white male” (or apparently worse still, a “southern white male). Therefore, she concludes, she shouldn’t change – society should.

I don’t know Judith Taylor. I therefore don’t know if she’s a sexist or racist, or an odious human being. I do know that what she’s written here is destructively sexist and racist, and deeply odious. I feel sorry for her if this is how she truly feels – it is singularly repellent.

I found it interesting that, as I read of the “entitled white male” behaviors she adopted in her experiment, they reminded me of this post of mine, and specifically this passage:

Platoon Sergeant Fred J. Kluge of Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry was moving his men into the fighting holes along the old perimeter. “Two of my men called me over and pointed. There was a dead American sergeant in the bottom of the foxhole. I looked at him and couldn’t help thinking: He looks just like me. I told the two troops: ‘Get him by the harness and drag him to the choppers.’ Someone came up behind me and said, ‘No, you won’t do that, Sergeant. He’s one of my troopers and you will show respect. Get two more men and carry him to the landing zone.’ It was Colonel Moore, making a final check of his positions. If we hadn’t found that sergeant he would have. I had cause to remember his words, and repeat them, just two days later.”

Lt. General Harold Moore was one of the finest leaders America has ever been blessed with. But to Judith Taylor, apparently, he’s just another “entitled white male,” his most effective traits as a person and as a leader forever tainted by his DNA.

The poison of identity politics will darken this world for many years to come, unfortunately. We will all suffer for it.